Top 9 Carry on Essentials

Its finally spring! Yes! With the warmer weather approaching many of us will be traveling. Whether it’s a road trip to a concert or taking a plane to an exotic place, many of us struggle with packing. Over packing or under packing, no one is perfect, which is why I’ve made a list of nine essential items to bring in your carry on. These are my personal essentials, so I hope many of you will get ideas from this list or maybe find some new items to try out!
- Chargers
I can’t stress how important it is to bring chargers, for everything. I can’t count how many times I’ve forgotten my chargers or assumed I could borrow someone else’s chargers. A rule of thumb, if your bringing an electronic that charges, bring the charger for it. I like to wrap my chargers in washy tape to make them standout, therefore I don’t loose them as easily. Another great idea is to invest in a portable charger. They can be bought at all different price ranges and they are a life saver! If you’re in an airport and there aren’t any charging ports available, or if you’re out adventuring for the day, having one on you is an absolute must! I use my phone for basically everything in my life so not having to worry about finding a charger or outlet relieves a great amount of stress.
- Snacks/water bottle
Airports are expensive! It’s a sad reality many of us face when we must purchase anything from there. So why not save yourself some money and pack some snacks? Packing snacks or beverages (if not on a plane) can save you time and money. Some of my favorites to bring are almonds, snack bars, dried fruit, and packets of nut butters. However, if you are a big fan of nuts, like myself, I recommend bringing a non-nut treat just incase someone on your flight happens to have an allergy. I also prefer to bring healthier foods with lots of fiber because whenever I travel, especially on planes, I tend to feel bloated and so eating healthier snacks tends to help with that. Another good thing to bring is a water bottle! If the water bottle is empty you can bring it through TSA, and many airports now have water filling stations right after Security. Not only will this save you money from having to buy over priced water bottles, but it’s good for the earth and will encourage you to stay hydrated. This is key because planes are so drying, and dehydration can make one feel awful which you don’t want on your vacation.
- A packing list
I tend to lose items easily so making a list of everything I’m bringing with me is a life saver. This doesn’t take too long to do but is incredibly helpful to make sure you don’t forget or lose anything. At the end of this post you can print out a cute one made by the ladies at GoGirl!
- The little items
Many times, we forget the little essentials and regret it later. I always bring Chapstick everywhere I go because no matter how you are traveling you will have a need for it. I also keep gum on me always because you or someone else will want it at some point, and if you suffer from ear pain due to the pressure change in plane cabins gum is extremely helpful for relieving the pressure build up. I like to bring a backup pair of headphones incase someone forgets, or I misplace mine throughout the trip.
- A book or Journal
On long flights or car rides, looking at a screen can become straining or feel painful. I like to bring a book or journal as another activity to do. I love keeping a journal because of how therapeutic it is. Traveling can be stressful and having a private place to write down all your feelings can improve how you feel drastically. From my own personal experience, I’ve found that since keeping a journal I’m overall less stressed and happier, as well as I feel I understand myself more and have a better relationship with myself due to that. If you’re new to journaling or don’t know how to start I recommend getting a writing book, these are great because they will either give you a prompt or ask a question and you respond in the book. I will link some below but check out your local bookstore, they’re fun and can help you understand yourself better which will improve you overall wellbeing and self-relationship. A book is another great thing to bring. Books allow you to transport into another world and with hours of time to kill, why not pick up a book you’ve been dying to read. If reading isn’t your thing, try an audio book!
- Rose Water
This is a personal favorite of mine, but I love it! If you haven’t heard of rose water yet, let me introduce you. Rose water itself has many anti-inflammatory properties that will help with redness or acne, it will also hydrate and balance the pH of skin. It can also be used to hydrate hair and add a nice rosy scent. The nice thing about rose water is that the scent itself is so light that you won’t give anyone around headaches, which they will appreciate greatly. I like to buy mine in a spray bottle, so I have the option of spraying it onto my face/hair or spraying it onto a round and using it to clean my face. My favorite is the Mario Badescu version, I have the travel size in my purse always to refresh my face and the big version at home to use along with my skin care.
- Perfume
Perfume is quite expensive, and I highly recommend either purchasing a roller boll version of your favorite or buying a refillable perfume atomizer (linked below). This way you don’t risk losing the entire bottle, and its more travel friendly. My advice is to not wear any on the plane, because the person next to you may have a sensitivity to your perfume and trust me you don’t want to ruin their entire flight. Instead apply it right after you get off the plane, so you smell fresh for whoever is greeting you at your destination.
- Bags
I have three essential bags for all of you. The first is a backpack, I use one as my carry-on bag and I find this to be the best bag for me. I like being able to put the weight on my shoulders and it’s easier to also roll a suit case with a backpack compared to a tote bag. I also stay organized with compartments and it frees up your hands. The second bag would be a small cross body bag. This is wear I keep my wallet, passport, phone, and my little essentials (see #4). This way I don’t have to shuffle around looking for any thing and my most valuables are near me always. The last type of bag to bring would be zip locks! They have countless uses, some of my favorites include putting receipts in them, leaky products, snacks, and so much more. They don’t take up any space and are incredibly helpful.
- GoGirl
How could I leave out the most important item, a GoGirl! Just think of all the bathrooms you will encounter, the airport, the plane, gas station, rest stop bathrooms, even porta pottys. Do yourself a favor and bring one, even if you don’t end up using it, it’s better to have it and not need it vs. needing it and not having it.
Writing Journals:
Rose Water:
Travel Perfume Atominizer: