WE NOW KNOW HOW KATY PERRY PEED IN *THAT* MET GALA DRESS Psst: She has a secret peeing weapon.

Katy Perry wore what could only be described as a Maison Margiela fashion contraption to the Met Gala this year, which left viewers thinking two things:
- Is she meant to look like a lobster bride?
- How the heck do you pee in that?!
- Well the mystery behind question two has been solved. Hurrah!
During her appearance on Ellen she revealed that her bathroom breaks required, "A lot of self-control, practice and GoGirls".
For those who have reached this point in the article and are now blankly staring at the word GoGirls, let us explain…
GoGirls are a female urinary device - often called a "FUD" because that is a nice name?? They a pastel-coloured, silicone thingy that allows ladies to pee while standing up – and they look like this:
And the Met Gala wasn't the first time Katy used a GoGirl. In fact she said to Ellen, "I've used them in several music videos because I always find myself in this predicament where I have a very extravagant, lavish, unrealistic, unpractical costume on. That's just me, I guess."
…And boy can’t we vouch for that! Just take a look at her new video for "Bon Appétit" below: